
'Mobility Trust ' Charity '10'

A very wet evening led to a small number of riders taking part in our Charity event to raise funds for the 'Mobility Trust'.

Even so with the donations we received together with money donated directly from the Club we were able to present 'Mobility Trust' fundraiser Jayne Jupp with a cheque for £250 to go towards helping a seriously ill gentleman in Reading with the purchase of a suitable electric wheelchair.

Photos from Thursday's '10' - 31st May

Winner Pete Weir [Banjo Cycles] in 21- 26 was last man off on Thursday.

The ‘Mobility Trust’ Charity ‘10’

Thursday, 14th June, 2012

Maidenhead & District Cycling Club

The ‘Mobility Trust’ Charity ‘10’

H10/2 7.45 pm start

It is recommended that a working rear light, either flashing or constant, is fitted to the rider's machine in a position clearly visible to following road users and is active whilst machine is in use. For later starters a front light could be a sensible choice as well.

We'll be pleased to see all of you at our social evening at the Shire Horse pub after the event.

Box hill ride

As Heather and I climbed a beautifully resurfaced Box Hill on the London Revolution, we thought it would be a good destination for an extended club run one Sunday morning. I mentioned it to the Clock Tower guys yesterday and they also thought it would be fun to do!

So, how about one Sunday in July (perhaps not the last one!) we set off at around 8am, cycle to Box Hill and up it, have a coffee (and maybe a cake!) at the top, then cycle back?

Anyone interested? And if so, what date?


Availability of club kit

A couple of weeks ago, I took delivery of a selection of club kit.  This will be at the Thursday evening 10's to try on and purchase.  Details on the items and sizes available can be found at

You can also purchase at other times by giving me a call or an email.  These details can be found on the page listing committee members.


Andrew Payne


Availability of club kit

A couple of weeks ago, I took delivery of a selection of club kit.  This will be at the Thursday evening 10's to try on and purchase.  Details on the items and sizes available can be found at

You can also purchase at other times by giving me a call or an email.  These details can be found on the page listing committee members.


Andrew Payne


Maidenhead & District Cycling Club Clubroom

Discontinuation of use of Maidenhead & District Cycling Club Clubroom at St Luke's Community Hall, Norfolk Rd, Maidenhead.

Interesting results from Chris Ball BioBike fit procedure

Last Tuesday I went and spent a couple of hours with Chris Ball at Apex Bike Fitting.  Those who attended our annual dinner in January will remember he was our guest of honour.  I found the experience very enlightening and worthwhile.  Chris’s mechanism for bike fitting involves spending about 45mins pedalling (on his BioBike) at a constant cadence while he electronically adjusts the bike frame and notes the impact on heart rate.

Bird Hills 13th May - was today easier or harder than the previous week.

Eight riders got to the golf club for days ride, and those present last week being keen for an easier ride.   We headed off to Bourne End  to meet up with Simon who was competing in the H25/2 tt this morning.  Coffee was declined by the group at Simons house and we set of a few minutes later with Simon in tow recovering from completing the 25tt in 57 mins about 40mins earlier. Within 200m Mike got a puncture after running into a large pot hole.

Clock tower run 13th May

What a lovely morning! Makes such a difference to see the sunshine for a change, although there was still a bit of a breeze. 6 of us today, Gurpal took charge and we decided to do a big loop - some to the South and some to the North of Maidenhead. So from the clock tower we went through White Waltham to Twyford, 4 of us picking up the pace a bit as we did so. We waited for the others at the lights then trundled over the A4, through Sonning and up towards Sonning Common.

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