
Time Trial, 10 miles, Club Event: This Thursday (29th March)


Starting this Thursday, the Club will hold 10 mile time trials every Thursday evening until September.  The first rider will start at 18:15 this week.  Please note that:

Reliability Trial 2012

The first of this years trials will take place this Sunday 1st of April and start at 9:00

For all club members please note that this event will start and finish at Braywick Park at 9:00. Depending on the turn out and abilities of the riders there may be one or two groups. Entry is free.

The route is the same as last years. Click here to view route.

Please ensure that you carry extra food,drink,spare tubes and pump etc.

MDCC Clubnight, Friday, 27th April, 2012

There will be a Club Night this Friday, 27th April at St Lukes Church Hall, Norfolk Road, Maidenhead. 8pm - 10 pm.

New, old and prospective members are welcome for tea, information about the Club and a chat.


Bird HIlls club ride -18th March - Misty day and unclear sprint finish lines.

On a misty Mother’s day 6 rides turned up at the golf club.  These being Callum, Danuta (less Robert who stayed in to prepared dinner for when Mum got home), Dave M, Mike W, Simon and myself.   With Mother’s day putting noon time constraints on several of the group the classic route was selected.

Just the two of us.....

Just David and I this morning, although Malcolm made a guest appearance in the car at the start (threatening to perhaps come out again sometime soon...). We did the standard route up to Frieth to Henley - passing hundreds of cyclists doing the Marlow Duathlon, ranging from mountain bikers to people on time trail bikes - and even one guy running in his socks pushing his bike (I think I would have given up at that point but there we go!) We than came into Sonning and back along the A4, by which time I was flagging a bit so used David as a windbreak!

First West London Combine Time Trial of the Year

Seven Maidenhead riders are down to start the 10 mile time trial on the local H10/2 course this Sunday:

09:10 Ian Brodie

09:11 Les Gardner

09:12 Gurpal Panesar

Bird Hills 26/2 - whats the largest group size?

A cold but sunny morning encouraged all sorted of people to join the ride today.  In total 18 turned out which appears to be a record number of what can be remembered.  I’m not going to list everyone, but a good mix of regular riders along with old and new faces.


Club Night, Friday, 24th February 8pm -10 pm

There will be a clubnight at St Lukes Church Hall on Friday 24th February from 8pm -10pm. Part of this will be devoted to a committee meeting  but members are welcome to attend.

CTT and LWDC handbooks that have been pre-ordered by members can be collected at the meeting. Refreshments will be available 

Clock Tower Run 19 Feb - Blood, good Samaritans and a famous face?

Bird Hill 12th Feb - only 2 made it to the start

The number of riders was well down on previous weeks due to holidays, illness and poor weather.  Just Simon and Mike (whos been out with the clock tower group previously) turned up.  I set off to join the ride, but due to near freezing weather and spots of rain went straight back home for a turbo session.

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