Club Records - Place to Place
Pages under construction. Peter Bell MDCC Archivist.
Maidenhead Cycling and Athletic Club - Maidenhead & District Cycling Club Place to Place Records
The majority of Club place to place records were set before the Club split from Maidenhead Cycling and Athletic Club in 1965. These were set in the post war period and I haven't been able to track down any record of earlier place to place records. If anyone can add to the records listed below please contact the Club.
Today with the increase in traffic together with the traffic calming measures and traffic lights in operation breaking any of these records would be difficult. If any member wishes to have a go please talk to the committee first as we would need to identify the course that could be used and also get together enough members to marshal and timekeep the record attempt. There would be a fee payable to the Club decided by the committee to cover the travel and time costs of those involved in assisting the attempt.
The Mile Stone at the Top of Castle Hill- Starting and Finishing Point for Club Place to Place Record Attempts
1958 ANNE ALLEN 1-00-43
Some Notes on Our Record Holders
John Parfitt
David Lambourne, Den Hutton and Hugh Milsom
Mick Lee and Clive Pugh