10 Thames Bridges Audax group ride - Sunday 3rd June

Following our Veldorome trip in April and the sunny ride to the Waterfront Cafe at Benson a couple of weeks ago, our June group ride will be an Audax event.  For those not familiar with them, Audaxes are touring rides, not races, that are run over a wide variety of distances.  Routes are not signposted but you will be given a route sheet and, more frequently now, a gpx track you can follow.
On Sunday 3rd June there is a 100km Audax ride called 10 Thames Bridges starting at Jenner's Riverside Café, Ray Mead Road at 9:00am.  As the name suggests, the route crosses 6 upstream Thames bridges before a cafe stop at Dinton Patures and then heads via Ascot to Windsor for 4 more bridges before returning to Jenner's.  A number of us have enjoyed this ride before as an alternative to the usual Sunday club runs.  You can read of one example here: http://maidenheadcc.org.uk/node/1176  There is also a shorter 64km alternative called Kaf to Kaf which misses out the bridges and starts at 10:00am.
Entry Details:
The cost of the event is £4 (+£2 insurance if you are not an Audax member).  Details of how to enter are here:
http://www.aukweb.net/events/detail/18-102/ Click on the 'Enter this event' button to obtain the entry form.  You can then send this off with a cheque and an SAE to the address shown.  Alternatively you can enter on the day.  If so, please print off the entry form and fill it in to save time in the morning.  In either case, please could you let David Dyer know you are coming so he can give the organiser notice of how many to expect.  Also he can then send you the route sheet and a gpx file before the ride.