MDCC Green Group - Annual Ibstone Bluebells Pilgrimage - Sunday 24 April 2022 By Mark Reynolds (With acknowledgements to Sam. Pepys)

Awoke betimes and gratefulle no unsettlynge signs of the Sicknesse which hath befallen fellowe cycliste, Andrew Barker (praye God he recovers rite speedilye).

Downstairs to break-faste with my deer wyfe on oaten gruel and seasonal berries before meetynge fellowe pilgrimers at the Braywyke Rendezvous: Andrew Payne, Ashley Wilkie, Alice Robinson (a goode Swiss familye name), Allen who is known as Gary, and the two erstwhyle artisan Wheelers (Marke havynge forsaken the traditional tooles of his trade for thyngs mayde of carbon or titanium). Missynge from our selecte band of brethren beynge only Peter, a Noble-Manne of Langley.

Eschewynge the flatte  grassy water meadows of Cookham, our merrye bande tooke the upland pathe past Cliveden to Beaconsfielde before descendynge againe through Wycombe as far as the Mausoleum where are housed the cremation urns of the noble Dashwoode familye. At this pointe, the brave Andrew Payne tooke the direct route up the hille to Stokenchurch, partlye to diverte attention of vagabonds,highway menne and red kytes which lurk there in the woodes to prey on unsuspectynge cyclists and partlye on advice fromme his physician to take thyngs easier owynge to the ravages of Age, Winde in the gutte and Ague of the joyntes. The remainder of the bande took a more circuitous but safer route up the Bledlow escarpmente through Radnage village and re-united with Andrew in Stokenchurch.

After a brief respyte to inbybe diverse gels and energye bars, the grouppe plunged downe the precipitous hille through Ibstone to Fingest, pausynge onlye to admire the beauty of the woodlande bluebells (and take souvenir snapshottes to post on Tik-Tok and Insta).

Pressynge on at a goodlye payce through Hambledon to Henley, we stopped for coffee in the square after whyche Andrew treated us nolens volens to a guided tour of every single traffic lyghte in the towne which, while exceedynge rivettynge, totally scuppered our overall average speede!

Another novel divertion, courtesy of Andrew, took us up Remenham Church Lane and thence at speede through Warren Rowe and The Walthams back to Maidenheade.