MDCC 2014 Championships

Senior and Veteran Best All Rounder Trophy


This years BAR winner of the A J Green Trophy is Gurpal Panesar. Gurpal had a steady year but competed in the three qualifying distances, 25, 50 and a 100 miles to take the trophy with an average speed of 18.45 mph.


He also won the Club '100' Championship so altogether a successful year. Well done Gurpal.



The Bill Rundle Cup and Best Novice Plaque


The Bill Rundle Cup is presented to the winner of the Club Evening '10' series. This year it has been won by John Bush.


The Best Novice Plaque has been won by Dan Crossley with an average speed of 24.05 mph for his qualifying rides over 10 and 25 miles. Dan also took the Club '25' Handicap Championship.