AGM Minutes 19-11-04

Acceptance of Minutes

Unfortunately, no-one remembered to bring along last year's minutes, so this was skipped.

Committee reports

£724.72 in account. Down from £963.48 in 2003, primarily due to rising cost of hiring 22 Cookham Road. To address this we will move to WAMDSAD in January. (More details...)
43 members for 2004. So far 8 people have renewed for next year.
Prizegiving could be as last year (at the Seven Stars), or at Ben Lion's parent's hotel in Maidenhead (a more formal dinner), in late January.
Affiliation to Wiggle from website has paid for the year's hosting costs. Many thanks to all members who bought kit through this link.
Requests for update to training ride times, a swap shop, and a link to a site hosting photos of our events were received.
Request for members entering Open race results to be returned to either Race or Press secretaries ASAP, as Maidenhead Advertiser requires submissions by Tuesday for Friday's edition. This is also essential for us to be able to decide the Club Championships.
John Woodburn has won the CTT Rudi Project 'Veterans on Handicap' National Championship on countback due to completing more events. The Club offers its congratulations to John for all his hard work.
Next year's Club events will be similar to 2003, except the Club 25 will be moved from the August date.
The club are hosting the following Open events:
Better 'Cycle Race in Progress' signs will be obtained, hopefully for free from CTT.

Election of officers.

Jim Rogers returned unopposed,
Vice Presidents.
Tony Deadman returned unopposed.
Mick Hill stepped down, and Fred Well was elected unopposed.
Malcolm Brewer was returned unopposed.
Malcolm Brewer was returned unopposed.
Fred Wells returned unopposed.
Racing secretary.
Tony Deadman returned unopposed. Andrew Small to assist.
Social Secretary.
Tony Deadman stepped down, and Jonathon Cross was elected unopposed.
Press secretary.
Andrew Small returned unopposed.
Ex - Officio members.
Simon Greenland (timetrials)
Mike Willacy (touring)
Joseph Francis (triathlon)
Jonathon Cross (racing and mountain biking).

Any Other Business.

Continue affiliations to CTT and WLCA.
The club will rejoin British Cycling, thus allowing club members to race in club colours and be eligable for team prizes.
Open race organisations
The WLCA 25 course is being returned to the A34, though the route is not finalized.
Club clothing
After last year's disaster, the club will again offer club clothing to its members. The supplier has been decided (Impsport who provide clothing to Team GB - although they are slightly more expensive than other vendors they accept small orders. This factor will allow us to order a few jerseys each year to quickly allow new members to wear the strip). Orders are being taken for club clothing. Clothing sizes
Tony Deadman suggested changing the logo to one similar to that on the front of the Maidenhead Advertiser. However, many members present has received positive feedback on the present logo, and it was thought that changing the logo would delay the clothing still further. In balance, it was decided to retain the current 'Bridge' logo. However, it was thought that a club history should be added to the Club's website - if member's have photos, old strip, etc. that can help in this task please contact Andrew Small.
Club Rides
Several members have friends who are 'thinking of cycling' but find the fast Sunday ride too intimidating. There was a request for a once-a-month short ride of approx. 20 miles starting at the Clock Tower near the railway station and completing at Jenner's Cafe by the river. Andrew Small is to arrange the dates and route to best fit in with his current commitments on Sunday morning. A bulletin board is to be added to the website to support better communication between members.
The excessive cost of 22 Cookham Road and deteriorating facilities have prompted a move for Club meetings. The best venue found was WAMDSAD, and the AGM was held there as a trial run. It was generally agreed among the members present that the new venue was far superior. The Club will therefore move there from January, and the table tennis table will be offered to WAMDSAD. To best finance this move, the Committee members will join WAMDSAD and this will be covered by their normal Club subscription. Full members will also be offered the opportunity to join WAMDSAD as part of their normal Club subscription, and this will allow them full access to WAMDSAD's facilities (club room and bar) and activities (airguns, archery, swimming) throughout the week. The exact administration of this is to be agreed between the Club and WAMDSAD. Members who are unlikely to visit need not opt to join WAMDSAD.