Maidenhead & District Cycling Club

Club Hill Climb Championship
15 October 2006

Course HHC011
(Run under CTT regulations)

WEATHER: Dry 17°C Wind: E (11 mph) Pressure: 1026 mB
'The Retreat', Church Road, Cookham Dean, Berks., SL6 9PJ.
Phone 01628 483559

Times by finishing position:

 NameClubTimecf 2005*
1Ben Lion ŸMaidenhead & District CC1:52-0:06
2Steve Roberts ŸHounslow & District CC1:58 
3David Marshall ŸMaidenhead & District CC2:01 
4Andrew Payne ŸMaidenhead & District CC2:02-0:10
5Mark Dewey ŸMaidenhead & District CC2:15 
6Andrew Richardson (Jv) ŸMaidenhead & District CC2:20 
7Robert Clark (J) ŸPalmer Park Velo2:27 
8Kipp Harden (Jv) ŸCome & Try It2:33 
9Simon Greenland ŸMaidenhead & District CC2:38+0:05
10Nigel Shurben ŸMaidenhead & District CC2:44+0:18
11Vincent Taylor ŸMaidenhead & District CC2:53 
12Andrew Small ŸMaidenhead & District CC2:54 
13Nicholas Cartright (J) ŸCome & Try It3:21 
14Gurpal Panesar ŸMaidenhead & District CC3:30 
15Gary Clark ŸPalmer Park Velo3:36 
DQVince Dewey ŸMaidenhead & District CC7:01 
* Times approx 5 seconds slower than last year as start line moved to next telegraph pole. Riders generally felt that this was safer.

Paul Richardson's photos are here

Archive: 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002