MDCC Committee
Minutes 30-Sep-2008
[1] Attendance:
Present: Peter Bell, Malcolm Brewer, Jon Cross, Tony Deadman, Andrew Payne, Nigel Shurben, Brian Simmonds, Andrew Small, Danuta Tinn.
Apologies: Simon Greenland.
[2] Minutes of last meeting
[3] Actions from last meeting
[4] Correspondence:
[5] Chairman's Report:
[6] General Secretary's Report:
[7] Social Secretary's Report:
TD had nothing to report, but PB had stood in during his illness.
[8] Racing Secretary's Report:
[9] Treasurer's Report:
[10] Membership Secretary's Report:
[11] Press Secretary's Report:
[12] Any other business:
[13] Next Meeting:
New Actions
  1. PB: Give AS list of missing trophies for minutes. [01-Oct]
  2. AS: Update website with track coaching days [01-Oct]
  3. AS: Notify impsport of side-panel change [01-Oct]
  4. AS: Pass on leaflets to local bike shop [01-Oct]
  5. MB: Update membership list & pass to AS & coaches. [03-Oct]
  6. AS: Send out letter to members containing: [04-Oct]
    • invite for Skittle Evening
    • clothing order sheet
    • AGM date & request for motions.
    • Combined club ride from 26-Oct.
  7. AS: Create tickets for Skittles Evening [04-Oct]
  8. AS: Notify JC of VTTA 25 marshalling times. [04-Oct]
  9. PB: Update Club Rules & Regulations, and job roles, for circulation with AGM notice [28-Oct]
  10. MB + AP: Create one sheet profit & loss account, for circulation with AGM notice [28-Oct]
  11. PB: Prepare AGM agenda. [28-Oct]
  12. AS: Send out AGM & membership renewal notice (include questionnaire). [28-Oct]
  13. PB: Create trophy register for AGM [28-Nov]
  14. PB: Copy winner's details from trophies so AS can put on website [28-Nov]
  15. AS: Bring tea, coffee, milk, sugar, biscuits to AGM [28-Nov]
  16. AS: Prepare clothing order [31-Nov]
  17. AS: Enable impsport's online ordering on MDCC website [01-Dec]
  18. AS: Get trophies repaired & engraved [14-Jan]