MDCC Committee
Minutes 30-Sep-2008
- [1] Attendance:
Present: Peter Bell, Malcolm Brewer, Jon Cross, Tony Deadman, Andrew Payne, Nigel Shurben,
Brian Simmonds, Andrew Small, Danuta Tinn.
Apologies: Simon Greenland.
- [2] Minutes of last meeting
- Accepted.
- [3] Actions from last meeting
- Members list for coaches
Coaches lack visibility of members. AS suggested they send any
correspondence to him and this can be forwarded. However his list is out of date as new members
have joined since last update with MB. MB will keep a typed list and provide photocopies for
coaches & secretary. DT suggested using website, but data protection act prevents this as there's
no secure area on the server.
- AS to present updated jersey.
PB did this. Design accepted, pending change to side-panels.
An order form for members must be sent out, and orders received by the end of November for next
After this, the 'online ordering' system needs to be chased up.
- [4] Correspondence:
- WLCA open events in 2009
DT reported that, during discussions at the WLCA committee meeting,
MDCC will not be promoting an event for WLCA in 2009.
- VTTA 25 on Sunday
Request for marshals. PB & AS will be on the Thicket Rdb; JC to help
(AS to confirm timings on Sat pm).
- [5] Chairman's Report:
- Trophies
After carrying out an inventory, several trophies are missing with the last winners
reporting that they either never took them, or had handed them back. TD: We must have a register
to sign in/out. Accepted unanimously.
PB: Do we replace the trophies? JP: Only if the
competition is still current. AP: The replacement must be good quality. PB: We'll have to gradually
replace trophies over time to avoid a big bill as full size silver trophies are over £1000, second hand
£200+ on eBay (maybe we'll find our own!). Accepted unanimously.
PB to give list of missing
trophies to AS to add to minutes.
Need history of each trophy. PB to give list of each trophy's
winners based on engraving.
Will be at WAMDSAD on 28th November.
BS: Wants "tea & stickies" provided. AS to bring them.
PB asked when this should be served, but was ignored. [Guess it's not so important as to need
scheduling into the AGM notice & people will help themselves at the beginning.]
- Go-Ride
Do we need to revise the committee structure to match the GR guidelines? AS: The GR
guidelines are just for information - so long as the tasks are carried out then the Club can continue
with the current structure. Only the Child Welfare Officer is a necessity. Some roles (Contact &
Lead Coach) in the GR guidelines need clarifying. AS stated that he was the Club Contact, and
although other contacts are on the website, he is the only one with full mail address, email &
telephone numbers. Other contacts are provided for information. While PB stated that other Clubs
had only a single published contact, other committee members stated that other clubs have multiple
contacts and that this can be useful when trying to contact people.
The Lead Coach is undecided,
but shared between PR & Nigel Shurben. PR was happy with the job description, but we need to take
steps to implement this.
This led onto the role of the discipline contacts - we must state that
these are proactive positions, with the holder expected to contact members when suitable events are
held. AS stated that the renewal notice would include a questionnaire asking for the member's interests
and if they would be willing to be contacted regarding entering events as part of a MDCC 'team' in that
discipline. This should avoid the contact having to cold call members! JP asked for a track position to
be added & he would be happy to stand for it at the AGM. PR: The current structure is working well, given
clarification of some roles, and we should keep it. Current structure will be retained.
AS passed out a draft 2009 year plan for information. It will be discussed at the next GR sub-committee
meeting when more time will be available. The general push will commence in 2009. Main concern is progression
given limited non-road locations, so using Palmer Park & Lookout remain only options.
PB stated that website was out of date & still had CX training highlighted. AS said he'd update it with
newer details.
AP: Need leaflet for local bike shops to include with each bike sold. AS has these as some remaining
from Burnham Upper health day. Will pass onto LBS.
- [6] General Secretary's Report:
- No additional information.
- [7] Social Secretary's Report:
TD had nothing to report, but PB had stood in during his illness.
- Skittles evening
Booked with Seven Stars in Knowl Hill on 29th Nov, with deposit paid.
Need minimum 12 to attend. Price set at £12 including light meal. DT asked for 7pm start to
enable children to attend. PB asked for mailshot to members to advertise it and printed tickets.
AS will do this, although concerned about addition costs (mailshot to all members is £50) as not
combined with AGM notice even though on same weekend.
- [8] Racing Secretary's Report:
- Hill-climb trial run
This has not been done. TD & PB concerned that it would not work out.
AP had seen plan for day & it looked manageable. AS described plan (email on 11/8):
We'll need two marshalling teams (otherwise the riders will get cold waiting for us to transfer
between courses). I've estimated 15 riders in the event and about half an hour for riders to climb
the hill and ride the neutral zone to the next prime at a 'recovery' pace.
By starting each rider individually at a full minute on the second & third hills, we ensure that
the CTT one minute interval on course is kept. So if two or three riders arrive at the same time,
then the lowest numbered rider will start first, the second rider a minute later, etc. Just line
up in sequence behind the start line, and any later arriving rider will form an orderly queue.
10:00 Marshals teams A & B arrive & sign first course and synchronize time of day on all watches.
10:15 Signing on at Quarry Hill under the bridge.
Team B heads for Burroughs Grove to sign second course.
10:31 First rider starts.
10:33 First rider ends hill 1, and starts transfer to Burroughs Grove.
10:45 Last rider starts Quarry Hill.
10:46 Team A starter phones number of entrants to Team B.
11:00 First rider arrives at Burroughs Grove.
Team B starter starts rider at next full minute.
Team A transfers to Windsor Hill (take down event signs, drive over & put up signs).
11:05 First rider ends hill 2, and starts transfer to Windsor Hill.
11:15 Team A arrives at Windsor Hill (West London Combine event may still be running).
11:30 First rider arrives at Windsor Hill.
12:00 Last rider finishes hill 3.
Each rider will have a start & finish time for each hill:
| 01 | 10:31:00 -> 10:33:10 | 11:02:00 -> 11:06:45 | 11:27:00 -> 11:28:52 |
From this we can work out the climbing time for each hill, and the total time:
| 01 | 2:10 + 4:45 + 1:52 = 8:47 |
I can see that, after the first hill, the start order will not be in numerical order and nor does
it need to be so long as we record both start & finish times on each hill. We'll lose the ability
to record 1/10s but that's false accuracy anyway.
If it all goes wrong on the day, it's a club event and so long as we get all the times for one hill
(e.g. the first) and some times for the others, it'll be a shame but not the end of the world.
Most likely failure will be riders getting lost in the transfers, but some club runs in the area
beforehand would reduce this.
We need two marshal teams; AS, PB, MB, DT & PR have volunteered so need 1 more.
PB: Motion to cancel the event as too complex. Motion overturned 6/2 (1 abstained).
- [9] Treasurer's Report:
As of 12/9 £3994.88 in account although some expenditures need to be accounted for.
AS: The CTT levy for club events are due after hillclimb, so approx £1000 will be needed.
AS: For ClubMark, the accounts must be audited.
AP: Suggested a single sheet P&L is needed, and is willing to help MB prepare this for AGM.
- [10] Membership Secretary's Report:
- 55 members. (See previous notes about preparing a member list and correlating with general sec
for mailshots.)
- [11] Press Secretary's Report:
- Inclusion in Maidenhead Advertiser has improved markedly since using a new email address.
- [12] Any other business:
- AS: Combined club ride over winter.
AP & JC agreed that this might work - fast group will gather
at Golf Club at 9, then ride to clock tower for 9.30 start. First 20 miles as a single group then faster
riders can continue, while 'social' riders head for the café.
BS: Social group is very small due to
some riders arranging to ride other events (e.g. sportifs & charity rides) on Sunday mornings. Rider
discipline remains patchy (despite circulating JP's guidelines) and after three years regular attendance
in all weathers he would like someone else to be responsible & will step down at the AGM.
AS thanked him for his effort.
It was suggested that these other rides could be promoted more widely (they're seldom heard of outside the
social riders who have little contact with the club riders). The aim of the combined ride is to improve
communication between members and create a club camaraderie. BS asked that more club jerseys were in
evidence on club rides. There was general agreement that this would be good for the Club's profile.
- DT: Has been offered a sponsored team ride next year with a3cgr, but will continue as a second claim member.
- PB: Club positions.
All members except BS will continue, while TD will be offered the vacant
President position. The discipline contacts will be asked if they are happy to continue in a more
proactive capacity next year once the roles are defined.
- TD: Medals
There are 55 gold, 58 silver & 37 bronze medals remaining. This should be sufficient
for a few years. AS offered to arrange engraving this year, including mending some with dented silverwork
or broken bases using the same engraver as Thames Velo use in Windsor. This will be more than the usual
'garden shed' engraver, but trophies need mending.
- PB: Continuing the committee meetings separately from Friday nights.
Difficult for many committee
members to open their houses due to space for 10+. AP stated he couldn't make it on Fridays due to other
Decision to continue on Tuesdays carried 6/0 (3 abstentions)
- [13] Next Meeting:
- To be decided with new committee immediately following the AGM.
- New Actions
- PB: Give AS list of missing trophies for minutes. [01-Oct]
- AS: Update website with track coaching days [01-Oct]
- AS: Notify impsport of side-panel change [01-Oct]
- AS: Pass on leaflets to local bike shop [01-Oct]
- MB: Update membership list & pass to AS & coaches. [03-Oct]
- AS: Send out letter to members containing: [04-Oct]
- invite for Skittle Evening
- clothing order sheet
- AGM date & request for motions.
- Combined club ride from 26-Oct.
- AS: Create tickets for Skittles Evening [04-Oct]
- AS: Notify JC of VTTA 25 marshalling times. [04-Oct]
- PB: Update Club Rules & Regulations, and job roles, for circulation with AGM notice [28-Oct]
- MB + AP: Create one sheet profit & loss account, for circulation with AGM notice [28-Oct]
- PB: Prepare AGM agenda. [28-Oct]
- AS: Send out AGM & membership renewal notice (include questionnaire). [28-Oct]
- PB: Create trophy register for AGM [28-Nov]
- PB: Copy winner's details from trophies so AS can put on website [28-Nov]
- AS: Bring tea, coffee, milk, sugar, biscuits to AGM [28-Nov]
- AS: Prepare clothing order [31-Nov]
- AS: Enable impsport's online ordering on MDCC website [01-Dec]
- AS: Get trophies repaired & engraved [14-Jan]