MDCC Committee
Minutes 10-Jun-2008
[1] Attendance:
Present: Peter Bell, Malcolm Brewer, Simon Greenland, Andrew Payne, Nigel Shurben, Andrew Small.
Apologies: Tony Deadman.
[2] Minutes of last meeting
[3] Actions from last meeting
[4] Correspondence:
[5] Chairman's Report:
[6] General Secretary's Report:
[7] Social Secretary's Report:
[8] Racing Secretary's Report:
[9] Treasurer's Report:
[10] Membership Secretary's Report:
[11] Press Secretary's Report:
[12] Any other business:
[13] Next Meeting:

Action List
PBSend AP electronic copy of Palmer Park details11-Jun
PBProvide volunteer leaflet on TT table12-Jun
APSend Maidenhead Advertiser info about Bike Week activities16-Jun
ASFind replacement A1 section for Go-Ride folder & give to PB30-Jun
ASFind triathlon section leader30-Jun.
PBCorrespond with John Woodburn30-Jun.
PBInform DT & PR that they are members of the committee30-Jun
PBOrganise date for first Go-Ride sub-committee meeting in July30-Jun
ASBring stock clothing to PB30-Jun
MBCheck second claim members' affiliation30-Jun
ASHill-climb practice31-Aug.
ASRevise membership rates for AGM agenda15-Oct.