Name | Action | Date
PB | Send AP electronic copy of Palmer Park details | 11-Jun
PB | Provide volunteer leaflet on TT table | 12-Jun
AP | Send Maidenhead Advertiser info about Bike Week activities | 16-Jun
AS | Find replacement A1 section for Go-Ride folder & give to PB | 30-Jun
AS | Find triathlon section leader | 30-Jun.
PB | Correspond with John Woodburn | 30-Jun.
PB | Inform DT & PR that they are members of the committee | 30-Jun
PB | Organise date for first Go-Ride sub-committee meeting in July | 30-Jun
AS | Bring stock clothing to PB | 30-Jun
MB | Check second claim members' affiliation | 30-Jun
AS | Hill-climb practice | 31-Aug.
AS | Revise membership rates for AGM agenda | 15-Oct.