MDCC Committee
Minutes 22-Apr-2008
- [1] Attendance:
Present: Andrew Payne, Nigel Shurben, Andrew Small, (Danuta Tinn).
Apologies: Peter Bell, Malcolm Brewer, Jon Cross, Tony Deadman, Simon Greenland, Brian Simmonds.
There were insufficient members present to make a chorum, so the following discussion is for information only.
- [2] Minutes of last meeting
- Accepted.
- [3] Actions from last meeting
- AS to present logo & jersey on Friday 22-Feb.
Did this and thought it had been accepted. However on the Friday social Peter still wanted a one-off jersey to confirm the design.
- Hill-climb
Action: AS to confirm a date/volunteers for trial run.
- New riders sheet
Done, AS gave PB a sheet on 18 March.
- Triathlon section
AS reported that no leader, but a one off event (TVT's Concorde event in August) would be suitable and the organiser has agreed to our using the event for our championship.
Action: AS to continue to search for leader.
- Accepting John Woodburn's resignation
PB wrote acceptance letter and has had a reply. He wasn't able to be present to read it.
- AS to invite AP to News weblog
Done, AP can now post to the News weblog.
- [4] Correspondence:
- [5] Chairman's Report:
- [6] General Secretary's Report:
- Go-Ride.
Meeting with Slough Council's new "Bike It" officer on 21-Feb went well. Have contact in Slough council that needs following up.
- [7] Social Secretary's Report:
- [8] Racing Secretary's Report:
- Fifield 15 attracted 48 entries and was approx £75 in the black, although cost of prizes is TBC.
- Emergency course change for 3 weeks of H10/10 to HCC234 accepted by LWDC. It was thought easier to change all 3 events than find out each evening if the H10/10 was usable.
- New H10/22 course is awaiting second measurement. It will be available in 2009 on Sunday morning only. It would be good if MDCC organised an Open on this course.
- DT asked for the Palmer Park calendar to be clarified. All events will be for normal road bikes (not fixed):
- 14 May: Club members only. Various events to allow members to get used to venue.
- 18 June: Promoted in press as part of National Bike Week. Various short events (GoRide coaches will be needed here).
Action: AP to promote this in the local papers.
- 16 July: Club members only. Championship events.
- 13 August: Club members only. Events TBC.
Unfortunately the school 5-mile event was not attended (very poor timing as the event fell in the Easter holidays). We were caught out by the strange Easter/half-term split. One school did respond positively if they'd had enough notice, and have asked for more information on our activities in the year.
Action: AS to follow this up and create a detailed flyer for schools/councils with cost and activities. Cost £20/hour for coach with up to 12 children.
AP had some feedback from Claires Court schools that girls used to do some road work, while boys were more into off-road stuff. Action: Can we arrange something suitable to enable schools to participate, e.g. Windsor Great Park, Nortel's Business Park. Mac (BC regional coach) has had success with cyclocross events on schools fields.
- [9] Treasurer's Report:
- [10] Membership Secretary's Report:
- [11] Press Secretary's Report:
- Dinner & prizegiving was in the Advertiser.
- No Hilly 30 info, but Fifield winners were in (without results). Seems that getting the right format is vital!
- Want to extend coverage to include Maidenhead Express, Bucks Free Press, and Bracknell Forest.
- [12] Any other business:
- NS: Short club run working a bit better now. Might be improved by a Club Ride etiquette guide. Action: AS to ask John Percy for his version.
- AS: Clothing
- impsport are now providing individual orders for club members. Action: NS to contact impsport and confirm costs.
- As a co-ordinated look is vital for the Club's image, AS suggested we should look into subsidising the main yearly order by 25%. This was seen as a reasonable idea (so long as it was capped). Action: Needs confirming by committee.
- DT suggested providing jersey as prizes.
- AP suggested a sheet for ordering kit at TT start. AS: We could do this, although uptake in previous year wasn't great.
- NS: Investigate providing reduced membership to over 60s (similar to that for junior/family membership), given that some members may not be able to afford to join. Action: Needs confirming by committee.
- AS: Website domain needs renewing. Approx £20 for two years.
Agreed to go ahead. Action: AS to renew.
- John Percy: Asked for GoRide sub-committee to be formed.
AS suggested that GoRide registered personnel (AS, JP, PR, NS, DT) should form this. Action: Needs confirming by committee.
- NS: Do we need more official CTT timekeepers?
AS reported that it was unusual for Clubs to have CTT timekeepers, so MDCC having a full & assistant TK is sufficient. However we will need more volunteers at the Club events to allow for Tony being ill and holidays.
- AS: Following up a suggestion from last Autumn... Have a GPS system and will make a list of interesting locations that can be 'collected' over the year. This is to allow members that like riding at their own pace to participate in a competition to visit as many locations as possible over the whole season.
- [13] Next Meeting:
- 10-June-2008, 8pm at AP's house.