MDCC Committee
Minutes 19-Feb-2008
- [1] Attendance:
Present: Peter Bell, Malcolm Brewer, Tony Deadman, Andrew Payne, Nigel Shurben, Andrew Small.
Apologies: Jon Cross, Simon Greenland, Brian Simmonds.
- [2] Minutes of last meeting
- Accepted.
- [3] Actions from last meeting
- Typos in AGM - AS checked but couldn't find any. Minutes accepted.
- Logo - keep present but use new jersey.
Action: AS to present logo & jersey on Friday 22-Feb.
- Hill-climb - Added to LWDC event calendar OK. Plan for trial run later in year.
- New riders sheet - outstanding (not needed until start of Club TTs).
- Triathlon section - no volunteers for leader.
AS reported that conditions for trophy were very subjective. NS suggested we just select one event as the championship.
Action: AS to continue to search for leader, and confirm trophy conditions.
- Dorney - AS reported that the events had been moved to Palmer Park due to the increased cost of using Dorney Lake. John Percy has booked the track, and we must pay in advance. The new dates are on the website and in the newsletter (these are available from dna cycles). The programme for the year is:
- Club only, so we ccan try out events, use of timekeepers, etc.
- Come & Try it (during Bike Week)
- Championship
- Fun
- [4] Correspondence:
- West London Combine - AS reported we had got behind on affiliation fees, but this is now up to date. TD agreed that AS should be contact for WLC as part of the Secretary's job role.
- John Woodburn - TD & PB reported that John has resigned from the Club, effective immediately, and will ride for VC Meudon. TD read his letter, and committee agreed that he should reply to John thanking him for his hard work in promoting the Club via his National Championship success.
Action: TD to accept John's resignation.
- [5] Chairman's Report:
- Committee formation doesn't match Club's regs. Particularly the ex-officio members missing ladies and youth representation. AS reported that there were no volunteers at the AGM, the posts had defaulted to senior men. This wasn't an exclusion but a practical need to fill posts.
- Club colours. These must be promoted and worn in Type A events, and should be worn in Type B events and club rides to promote Club. (See also logo discussion.)
- [6] General Secretary's Report:
- Go-Ride. Several schools have been approached, but have not responded. The pupils show an interest particularly in MTB, but schools look a difficult path.
Similar lack of response from RBWM council on various queries.
Have meeting with Slough Council's new "Bike It" officer on 21-Feb.
- [7] Social Secretary's Report:
- Dinner now 07-Mar, currently 20 members attending. MB asked for menu.
- Trophies all engraved for £110.
- [8] Racing Secretary's Report:
- All MDCC events accepted by LWDC.
- New H10/22 course on A4155/A404 with turn at Thicket roundabout is to replace H10.2 for Type A events. There will be harsh time restrictions on course due to traffic on A404 (probably early Sunday morning only). H10/2 will continue to be used for Type B events.
- Summit MTB are happy for MDCC riders to enter their series at Lotts Wood near Amersham.
- [9] Treasurer's Report:
- [10] Membership Secretary's Report:
- 21 members, 6 with event passports. Add £615 to club funds.
- [11] Press Secretary's Report:
- Spoken to Maidenhead Advertiser. They're keen to publish events, especially if there's a mass pileup.
- Will submit information about open events and club runs, and also investigate adding an entry to their 'Club Section' consisting of general publicity, contact number and web address.
- Has posted club run reports on forum but very small readership (3). Wants shorter run to post a report too. PB stated that he'd prefer the reports on the Club's News area, rather than the forum. AP stated that he didn't have permissions. AS reported that he had been added (big problems between AS & AP email which is recalcitrant at best).
Action: AS to retry invitation.
- [12] Any other business:
- MB: Lost riders on short club run again.
AS: We need a trailing rider who knows the route.
NS: Possibly change the start point (road near clock tower is now very complex & easy to split group due to traffic lights. Perhaps Braywick Sports Ground car park (free), to allow members to drive to start.
- TD: Fellowship of West London Cyclists dinner on 02-Mar.
- AS: Please try new website design template (R3) on It uses dynamic menus for a cleaner look, trialled on Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari OK, but needs checking on compatibility with ISPs as R1 (that also used dynamic menus) suffered from blocked files on BT Internet, so R2 (the current revision) with very simple static web pages was introduced.
- [13] Next Meeting:
- 22-April-2008, 8pm (earlier). Location TBD.
Action: PB to ask Danuta if she could host meeting.