AGM Minutes 23-11-07


14 members attended the meeting:
Peter Bell, Malcolm Brewer, Tony Deadman, Mark Dewey, Vince Dewey, Simon Greenland, Rod Latchford, Gurpal Panesar, John Percy, Andrew Richardson, Paul Richardson, Nigel Shurben, Brian Simmonds, Andrew Small, John Woodburn.

Acceptance of Minutes

Last year's minutes were accepted.

Committee reports

46 members for 2006, 2 lower than 2006.
£1996.55 in account. Up from £1074.45 in 2006.
Levies 485.50
HQ 248.00
Engraving 144.30
Open events450.50 
Club kit sold130.00 
Club kit bought 82.50
Club events576.00 
Stationary 20.00
Safety kit 79.23
Donation (Brian Hoadley)200.00 
Adjustment 333.50
Prize-giving will be held at the Elva Hotel in Maidenhead on the Friday 08 February 2008. Cost to be determined but expected to be around £20 per head plus drinks.
1 trophy was returned at the AGM.
Start of the season we had good contact with the Maidenhead Advertiser sports editor, with results and a special feature on John Woodburn's career. Later on this tailed off, and we were unable to contact the editor.
We need to re-establish & widen coverage. Ideas for this included race reports, Go-Ride adverts, time-trial forum, RBWM sports development officer, town manager (Stephany James), and rowing clubs. Publicity in rowing clubs and Slough library website. Business cards for committee members. Adverts in local papers would have minimal impact (for expense), we could get more publicity via sponsored rides and special events (for example entering a team into a 24 hours endurance event).
A good year with high attendance in the evening Club 10s (no exact number, this was requested). [Addition: just under 800.]
Non-racing members turned out regularly to marshal and time the event.
The change to the HCC234 course has (probably) been accepted by the LWDC, Andrew to check at Sunday's LWDC committee meeting [AS: It has]).
We will continue affiliations to BC, CTT, WLCA and West London Combine.
To help improve the adoption of members from Come & Try It rides, we should have joining forms at the Thursday evening events, and have flyers & web page listing the benefits of joining the Club (e.g. coaching, training, mechanical and kit advice, discounts at cycle stores, members only area of the site (exactly what we would restrict is unclear).

Election of officers.

John Woodburn returned unopposed.
Vice President.
Tony Deadman returned unopposed.
Peter Bell nominated by Brian Simmonds, elected unopposed.
Malcolm Brewer returned unopposed.
Malcolm Brewer returned unopposed.
Andrew Small returned unopposed.
Social Secretary.
Tony Deadman returned unopposed.
Press secretary.
Paul Richardson stood down to have more time for the coaching. Andrew Payne proposed by Andrew Small, elected. Paul will handover contact details for Andrew.
Ex - Officio members.
Simon Greenland (timetrials)
Brian Simmonds (social rides)
Jonathon Cross (MTB)
Nigel Shurben (road)

Any Other Business.

CTT Levies
National committee is raising the Type B (Club) event levy from 50p to £1 and have stated intent to equalize the Type A & B levy as the insurance costs are the same.
Promoting events
Andrew Small suggested the Club must be more proactive when entering events, with section leaders providing details of local events that we could enter an MDCC team (in TT, road/track, and MTB). All club members would be contacted to be included in the sections. The section leader would use mailing list/phone or the new thread based forum. This was accepted.
Andrew Small circulated a new bolder logo. This was not liked, Tony suggesting returning to the old logo (similar to that on the top right of the Maidenhead Advertiser), while Peter Bell preferred keeping the current logo. Brian Simmonds suggested a competition (similar to the method used for the current logo). After some discussion Gurpal volunteered to create some samples that could be presented to the Committee later in the year.
Brian Simmonds expressed concern over the triple climb in a single day. Peter Bell agreed. Andrew Small explained the logistics: The riders sign on at the start of the first climb and retain these numbers throughout the event, following a fixed route that climbs all three hills. Two teams of marshals are used - the first covering the first and third climbs, the second covering the second climb. After all the riders have finished the first climb, that marshal team pack and move to the third climb. Using synchronised watches, each rider's time is noted at the start and finish of each climb, the transition from one climb to the next is a neutral zone. To simplify the timing, riders must stop at the start of each climb and be released at 0 seconds, with a minimum 1 minute gap between riders.
Mark Dewey suggested a cut off time so marshals didn't have to wait all day for a rider to transition between hills. This was accepted.
Peter & Brian still thought it would be too difficult for riders and we would only get a few entries, and that the logistics were too complex. Andrew Small said that only a few riders had been able to make all 3 weekends, and that this had limited to the entry to the Bill Hens Cup.
Someone proposed single climb prizes should be awarded to allow riders to only ride a single hill.
Andrew Small suggested a trial run sometime in the next month (i.e. before the closing date for club event submission) to check the plan.
The meeting ended without resolving the issue, and it will go to the Committee.